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Why Donate?
Your donation allows us to continue serving communities and spreading Christ’s love through public service. Every dollar helps us expand our reach, recruit volunteers, and provide the supplies necessary to make our mission possible.
Donations Will Be Used For:
Cleanup Supplies: Providing trash grabbers, bags, gloves, and other tools to volunteers so they can effectively serve the community.
Visibility Materials: Purchasing T-shirts, tracts, signs, and other materials to make Cleanup 4 Christ events visible, inviting conversations and sharing the gospel.
Nationwide Expansion: Funding advertising efforts to recruit more volunteers and launch Cleanup 4 Christ events across the country.
Donation Options:
One-time Donation: Help support a single event or initiative.
Monthly Giving: Become a sustaining supporter, enabling ongoing community service and outreach efforts.
Call to Action:
Join us in making a lasting impact! Donate now to help us bring Cleanup 4 Christ events to more communities and spread the gospel through service.
Tax-Deductibility Information:
Cleanup 4 Christ is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and all donations are tax-deductible.